Dragon warrior 3 game genie codes no random
Dragon warrior 3 game genie codes no random

dragon warrior 3 game genie codes no random

You can use these in any slot of your choice. Game Genie codes for over 600 NES games, from the classics to the obscure, from the easy to the 'Nintendo Hard' style of difficulty. Also, you can't stop walking, but with this code on it is controllable.įor use when fighting Divinegon or GranDragn.Ĭodes that start with '91' are valid for GB shark 3.1 only! Use '01' for older sharks, Code Breaker and Xplorer Are there any cheats for Dragon Warrior 2 There is a glitch that will freeze the random number generator so it always generates the same number. Dragon Warrior Game Genie Codes The following are known Game Genie Codes for Dragon Warrior on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). With this code, you can't talk to people or get treasure chests UNLESS the code is off. In addition, the items location on the overworld is random. Erdricks Token or the Flute could also be in a random chest instead of on the ground. This is not an ordinary Walk Through Walls code. The Fairy Flute, Erdricks Armor, and Erdricks Token will now be shuffled, so for example the token could be in Kol instead of the flute, and the armor on the overworld. These codes are for all recruits, at each individual recruiting screen. 2nd Bagslot Items Increased to 99: 7E382663. Higher Encounter Rate: 7EF79700 Every step is a battle. These next five also ONLY work when you are giving them seeds. SXOIVLSA Infinite Magic Power AEVGUIZA Take no damage in swamp VVOYYTSA Start with 256 gold coins VKOIVLSA All spells use only one magic point YAKKEVYA Barriers cause half usual damage. Dont see the code youre looking for on this page Why not try my Game Genie codes for Dragon Quest 3 and see if the code youre looking for is there instead Hero has 99MP: 7E392F63. WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!

Dragon warrior 3 game genie codes no random